Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I am so glad is Wednesday, Wednessday is tough. I work all day- take a break to check FB- check on my fake farm- and work some more. Trying to be nice on the phone but easy when you get paid for it- no matter it's a paycheck which is very much needed. I have no food in my house and for lunch ate low- fat swiss cheede slices and for dinner a canned salmon that was sitting here for quite a while. Lettermans' gushing about how cute Scott Brown is. I guess everyone is. That cosmo pix of him is nice- he still looks good. I guess him for 50 or 32 tops. I have a reunion coming up in May- have mixed feelings about it- I am sooo different from HS- but I gueess a lot of people have changed. Hopefully! It's just weird- Heres; how reunion goes- You go from Hi- your family is rally cute- how old are your kids? toNo, I have no kids, married yeah, I used to do comedy and before know it- you are telling the waiters the and the bartender your life story- you know why- cause your HS friends really don't give a shit! It's all about how many peeps show up and can we turn over a profit. It is a good deal. I'm just worried after a half hour- bye- bye- Like that 30 Rock episode- so funnny.
OK- tired- Have to get to bed- more tommorrow! So happy they rescured some Haittian children today- Finally, some good news coming out of there.

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